Academic Excellence
A good education trains minds to grasp and communicate God’s natural and revealed truth clearly and well.
Learning to think well requires that students master the skills of reading, writing, and arithmetic. Not only is it important that they learn how to think about and express ideas, but they must also be given something to think about. Therefore, these tools of learning are studied in the context of worthwhile content. This is why, at Imago, our curriculum is designed to introduce them to the great body of knowledge at the heart of Western thought and culture.
We acquaint our students with the great writings of the past and present, teach them to understand the natural world through science, and expose them to the great artistic achievements of man through music and the visual arts. We also give each student opportunity to develop his or her own creative skills because we believe this is an important part of their complete education.
“Learning to think well requires that students master the skills of reading, writing, and arithmetic. Not only is it important that they learn how to think about and express ideas, but they must also be given something to think about.”
We encourage physical activity and lively free play at Imago. Our students enjoy scheduled physical education classes throughout the week where they play active games, learn new skills in different sports, and develop good sportsmanship in competitive games. Our students are also encouraged (and self-motivated) to be very active during their free time at school, and there is a lot of pick-up football, dodgeball, and running to be seen in the school yard. We believe that this unstructured, physically active free play is essential to the healthy development of our students, and it is only restricted when there is a clear possibility of serious or repeated injury.
Our goal is to graduate students who:
are delighted by words and who are well-read
are competent in the grammar of writing, so that they can be clear and persuasive
are well-grounded in mathematical computation, problem-solving and logic
are informed about the physical world and stand in wonder and awe of God’s creation
are educated about the events of history and are historically minded, trained to think about causes and consequences
are inspired by beauty in music and art
and have the word of God written on their hearts
At Imago, we approach this educational goal from both a Christian and a Classical perspective.
In its entirety the Imago curriculum satisfies the requirements of the Massachusetts Department of Education.