The Lower School at Imago is defined as Pre-Kindergarten through Grade 6.
This is a span of years when students’ minds are highly absorbent and retentive. At Imago, we capitalize on this readiness to learn by providing our pupils with a strong, foundational curriculum in literacy, numeracy, basic history and geography, and science.
We also strive to instill the essentials of Christian morality and character traits, including civility, politeness, self-control, and consideration of others. Organizational and study skills are also taught incrementally and intentionally in Grades 1-6.
Our early literacy and phonics programs follow the Spalding Writing Road to Reading curriculum, while our mathematics program employs the Singapore curriculum. History classes in Grades 1 through 3 cover significant events in American history; the countries, continents, oceans of the world, and the states of the United States are covered in Geography. Fourth through Sixth Grades study ancient, medieval and modern history through the Industrial Revolution.
All Lower School students have a music class, an art class, and a physical education class once a week. Students in Grades 1 through 6 sing in the Lower School chorus and take part in our Christmas Season’s Lessons and Carols service. In addition, all participate in a yearly dramatic production.