A private Christian school in the classical tradition

Admissions Process

Admissions Process

Thank you for your interest in The Imago School!  

Should you decide that you would like your child or children to be considered for admission to Imago, a visit to the School is required for one parent, or both, if possible. Contact us and we will be happy to schedule a private tour for you. Imago also holds several Open Houses throughout the year, with times usually during the week while class is in session, in the evening, and on the weekend.  

You are encouraged to review our Statement of Faith and the handbook.

If you would like to apply:

Download and complete the two following forms.

Parent/Family Application

New Student Application  (one for each child you wish to enroll.)

Return your completed application form and non-refundable application fee of $50 for the first child and $25 for each additional child to:

The Imago School
1 Percival St.
Maynard, MA 01754

Upon being alerted to your interest in the school, an interview will be scheduled to review details about the school and to answer questions. A "Record Release Form" will be sent for students who are transferring and an entrance exam scheduled.  Applicants may also arrange to sit in on classes in session.

The Imago School accepts applications year-round, and new students are welcome throughout the school year provided that the grade of the prospective student has room for additions.

Please feel free to call or e-mail for more information.  For further details about admissions and more information about the philosophy of our school, download the Information Kit.

Admission to the Imago School is open to any child, regardless of race, color, sex, national or ethnic origin, or church affiliation.